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Students Taking Exams

Academic Equipment and Preparation for National Exams

Expert and Experienced Teachers in Their Fields

GEN College teacher staff are teachers who comply with the qualifications in the GEN Performance System managed by GEN Educational Institutions, have strong communication skills, are experienced, are experts in exam preparation, take an active part in publication preparation, and closely follow innovations in education.


Academic Program and Event Calendar

During the academic year, the GEN College Academic Calendar, carefully prepared by education coordinators in accordance with the Ministry of Education curriculum, is implemented simultaneously in all institutions. Different sports and artistic activities in the Event Calendar are actively pursued; participation in various national and international tournaments takes place; Workshops, events, demonstrations and city tours are organized to support the educational program.


Exams and Assessment

Students' academic progress is closely monitored through frequently administered trial exams. The applied trial exams are read by the expert measurement-evaluation unit. Detailed report cards and achievement analyzes are provided. It is also published on the Online Education and Communication Portal to enable teachers and parents to follow it. Exam results are evaluated together with the mentor teacher and the student is directed to the studies he needs and individual assignments are made.


Incomplete Completion and Reinforcement Studies

In the studies held every week, studies are carried out according to the deficiencies in the achievement analysis obtained as a result of the exams. In homogeneous study classes separated on a class basis or according to subject deficiencies, lectures, reinforcement, completion, repetition and question solutions related to that outcome are carried out.


Individual Studies

Individual studies are given to the student to reinforce what he has learned or to prepare for the subject to be learned. Every week on Friday, the 3GEN Booklet is distributed and also shared through the Online Communication Portal. The following week, the 3GEN booklet is checked and the control result is recorded in the Online Communication Portal to inform the parents.

Preparation for the High School Entrance Exam (LGS)

Intensive Training Program

Students study 9 hours a day, a total of 45 hours a week. Lessons, exam practices and studies take place within this program.

Thinking Skills Development and LGS Preparation with Skill-Based Education

Preparation for the exam, which begins with trial exams and studies in the 5th grade, continues with increasing intensity every year. While students' thinking skills are developed with skill-based questions, it is aimed for them to understand the new generation question type asked in LGS.

First Step to LGS in May for 7th Grade

With the First Step Program for LGS, which takes place at the end of the 7th grade, students start to cover the decisive subjects in LGS and make significant progress in exam preparation.


6 Days a Week Education for 8th Graders

8th grade students come to school on Saturdays and receive a total of 50 hours of education per week. Thus, in addition to their school education, they complete all their LGS preparation studies at GEN College.

Development Tracking Exam (GETA) and LGS Trials

Trial exams are administered to students in order to gain practice in multiple choice questions and to evaluate the knowledge they have learned so far. Development Tracking Exam (GETA) every month for 5th and 6th grade students; LGS trial exam is administered to 7th grade students every 15 days, and to 8th grade students every week.

LGS Acceleration and General Repetition Program

8th grade students start education two weeks before school starts and spend the last week of August and the first week of September with the LGS Acceleration Program. Participates in the LGS Acceleration Program during the November and April midterm breaks and one week of the semester break. The entire curriculum will be completed 1 month before LGS; General Revision Studies and intensive Trial Exams are carried out.


Preparation for Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS)


6 Days Intensive Training Program Including Saturday

9th and 10th grade students receive 45 hours of education per week (40 hours of lessons + 5 hours of study). 11th and 12th grade students receive 50 hours of education (45 hours of lessons + 5 hours of study) 6 days a week, including Saturday.

TYT - AYT Preparation Program

At GEN College, the TYT-AYT preparation program takes place together with the Ministry of Education program. Preparation, which starts from the 9th grade, continues increasingly towards the upper grades. In the 11th grade, students divided into fields see all TYT subjects. In this way, a great progress is made in the TYT-AYT preparation process. In the 12th grade, the TYT-AYT preparatory program is applied together with the program determined by the Ministry of Education.

Check-Up Exams and TYT - AYT Trials

Exams are administered to students in order to gain practice in multiple choice questions and to evaluate the knowledge they have learned so far. Numerical and Verbal Check-Up Exams are given to 9th and 10th grade students alternately every week. TYT Trial Exam is administered every month. Numerical and Verbal Check-Up Exams are given to 11th Grade students alternately every week. TYT and AYT Trial Exams are administered alternately every 15 days. Trial exams are administered to 12th grade students every week. Thus, 3 TYT and 1 AYT Trial Exams are held every month. Close to the exam, Trial Exams, carefully selected from many different sources, are offered intensively.

TYT - AYT Acceleration and
General Repeat Programs

11th Grade TYT Camp > May June
To ensure the repetition of TYT topics covered throughout the year,
TYT in order to reinforce and ensure that they start the 12th grade ready.
The camp is organized. During this program, students receive 7 hours of lectures and 2
He attends a total of 9 lessons a day, including 1 hour of study. Summary topic explanation
and it is done again through questions.


12th Grade Midterm and Semester Acceleration > November, April and January
These are programs implemented for 1 week for 11th and 12th grade students during the mid-term and semester break of schools.
Courses for 12th grade students, covering the subjects in the courses they took during the first semester, in line with the student's own needs.
The repeat program that you can choose is applied.


12th Grade YKS Camp > May
During the YKS Camp, intensive trial exams, motivation seminars and question solution hours are applied. With our students
Our teachers come together and carry out studies during the camp. By increasing the number of questions solved daily, a large number of
Our students' success is increased and their motivation is increased by trial solving and instantly learning every problem that cannot be answered.


12th Grade YKS Focus Program > May

​A Question Solution Camp (FOCUS) is organized to increase the success of pre-YKS students, to enable them to solve more questions, and to strengthen their motivation to achieve their goals. Special tests are prepared for each day to be given to students. During the camp, students complete their deficiencies by solving these questions and participating in question solutions under the supervision of supervisor teachers, and gain quick and accurate test solving skills.

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