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STEAM Based Innovation Kits

Its education basically aims to raise individuals who allow students to learn by experimenting and discovering, who ask questions, produce innovative solutions, and not only that, but also who can turn solutions into products. STEAM education, which aims to develop skills such as problem solving, inquisitive thinking, scientific literacy, collaboration and communication, forms the basis of the education program offered at GEN College.


However, at GEN College, STEAMBOX is given to students at all grade levels from kindergarten to 8th grade. STEAMBOX is a box specially prepared for each student. The box contains STEAM Kits with 8-10 projects that are fully compatible with the MEB program.


STEAMBOX is carried out with the help of Class Teachers in kindergarten and primary school, and with Science Teachers in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades of secondary school. accompanied  Science  It is applied in the sciences course; It is exhibited in portfolio presentations and Science Festivals. Suitable for individual use, STEAMBOX is suitable for face-to-face and distance education. STEAM contents available on the Stemist Online Information Technologies Platform provide resources to teachers and students with videos and instructions while carrying out the projects in STEAMBOX.

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