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GEN College aims to raise its students as World Citizens in the 21st century.

In line with this mission, it provides multilingual foreign language education to its students, and carries out high school exchange programs, Canada-based diploma program (O.S.S.D), AP courses and SAT preparation program, and International Youth Certificate program within the scope of GENAbroad Overseas Education Programs. 



GEN College offers English, Elective Second Foreign Language (German, French, Spanish) and Coding education from ages 3 onwards within the framework of an intensive program appropriate to the relevant grade level.



GEN College offers its students the Canadian Ontario High School Diploma Program, thanks to its collaboration with Blyth Academy Schools.



GEN College provides high school students with American Academics and

With ''THE BEST'' Training Program 

It offers AP Courses and SAT Preparation Program.


Our intensive English Program, prepared in line with the Common European Framework (CEFR), aims to equip our students with four language skills (reading, writing, listening comprehension, speaking) equally.


English education given by Turkish and Native (foreign) teachers focuses on three different areas: MC (Main Course), CS (Communication Skills) and CEP (Cambridge Exam Preparation).  


In order to meet the needs of students at all levels and improve their English, a program suitable for the student, reinforcement studies one-on-one or in small groups, and individual homework assignments are provided.

5th AND 9th GRADE

We group our 5th grade and 9th grade students according to the English Language Exam we take at the beginning of the academic year. Only in English lessons, students receive education in the relevant group.


While ensuring the development of both groups of students throughout the academic year, we also provide training on Saturdays in addition to our Beginner level students; We offer ''Half Day English Reinforcement Programme''. We also continue the English Supplementation Program during the Midterm break in November and April.


Our students encounter an intensive English program created in parallel with the goal of the English Preparatory Class program, without losing a year.


At GEN College, the Cambridge Exam Preparation program is implemented in order to objectively evaluate the English foreign language education program implemented in line with the Common European Framework (CEFR) and to ensure that our students who wish to obtain the internationally valid Cambridge ESOL Language Proficiency Certificate. Students are included in the "Cambridge Exam Preparation Study Program" and are prepared for the Cambridge Exam at the relevant grade level.



In addition to English, students are offered German, French and Spanish as second foreign languages. 2. The goal in foreign language education is to first make students love the language and to enable them to get to know different cultures while learning languages and to raise awareness.



GEN College will offer the Ontario State High School Diploma Program to its students as of the 2023-2024 academic year, thanks to the cooperation protocol signed with Blyth Academy Schools, which is located in the Canadian province of Ontario and has 7 campuses. This program is for students who graduated from GEN College Anatolian High School and Science High School. It is a curriculum that allows students to obtain the High School Diploma of the Ministry of National Education and the High School (Public School) Diploma of the Province of Ontario, Canada. Ontario Province High School  The Diploma Program is a 4-year program implemented between grades 9 and 12. 


Advantages of the Canadian High School Diploma Program

•    Canada Onartio State High School Diploma Program is a strong academic program developed by integrating Turkish and Canadian high school programs. This program covers all the target achievements of both Turkish and Canadian education systems.
•    Within the scope of this program, our students are given both a GEN College High School diploma and an Ontario (Canada) High School diploma. It is a flexible 4-year program that includes all the core courses students need, combining it with the curriculum of GEN College and Ontario Secondary Education.
•    For our students who want to continue their university education abroad, it offers the opportunity to receive the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (0.S.S.D.), which is valid in many countries, especially Canada, the USA and the UK.
•   A Canadian High School diploma provides priority and scholarship opportunities in Canadian university applications.
•   One of the most important advantages for our students who will participate in the Canadian High School Diploma Program is that they can apply for scholarship opportunities that are only granted by many universities in Canada to high school diplomas received from Canada.
•    Thanks to the Canadian High School Diploma Program, it is possible to be exempt from the academic preparatory year in many foreign universities.
•    Thanks to this completed international program, many universities offer SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, etc. It is possible to apply without having to take exams.
•    Thanks to the global cooperation model, students studying at GEN College benefit from the same advantages as Ontario (Canada) students. Upon graduation, students obtain the globally recognized Ontario High School Diploma (0.S.S.D.).


Conditions for Participation in the Program

•    Being a student of GEN College Anatolian High School or Science High School,
•    Not having a weak grade among the year-end grades,
•    To be successful in the B2 level English exam required for the Canadian Double Diploma Program. This exam will be administered at GEN College Anatolian High School or Science High School and the date of the English language proficiency exam will be announced separately.


Additional Courses to be Applied in the High School Diploma Program of the Province of Ontario, Canada

When the achievements of the High School Program of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey and the High School Program of the Ministry of Education of the Province of Ontario, Canada are compared, the additional course hours required for the additional achievements that must be completed in order to graduate from the Ontario State High School Diploma Program will be distributed according to the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade levels. . All courses will be given at GEN College Anatolian High School and Science High School campuses in Turkey. 


Program Requirements

•    Participation in the program is not mandatory, GEN College Anatolian High School and Science High School students can participate in this program.
•    Grade 9, 10, 11 students can take the relevant courses by attending additional courses compatible with the Canadian curriculum that will take place after school throughout the academic year. In order for 12th grade students to continue their YKS preparation efficiently and successfully, the student can complete the additional acquisition courses required for the Double Diploma Program by participating in the Double Diploma Course Summer School Program to be opened in the summer months, after completing the 11th grade level.
•    The compulsory attendance in the course program is 100% for each course.
•    Within the scope of the Ontario State High School Diploma Program, students must take the determined exams at the GEN College Anatolian High School and Science High School Bakırköy, Ãœmraniye and Diyarbakır campuses.
•    Students who are absent or whose exam grade is below the determined score will be considered unsuccessful. These students will have to retake the relevant course by paying an additional fee of 800 Canadian dollars for each course. Otherwise, he/she will not be able to receive the Canadian Ontario State Diploma because the program cannot be completed successfully.


Program Diplomas and Certificates

Students who successfully complete the exams and projects at the end of the program will receive the Canadian Ontario State Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) in addition to the GEN College Anatolian High School or Science High School diploma. 


Dual Degree Program Fee

The fee for the program is 8,500 Canadian dollars. Dual Degree Program fee includes:

•    Canada Double Degree Program Entrance Exam fee
•    Fee for Difference Lessons
•    Measurement and evaluation (project, exam, etc.) fee for each course
•    Diploma Exam fee
•    1 Transcript fee


GEN College students who want to participate in the Double Degree Program can make the payment as follows.

•    9. First grade students can divide the payment into 4 academic years and pay 2,125 Canadian dollars at the beginning of each academic year. This amount can be paid in maximum 4 installments every August.
•    10. Grade 1 students can divide the payment into 3 academic years and pay 2,834 Canadian Dollars at the beginning of each academic year. This amount can be paid in maximum 4 installments every August.
•    11. First grade students can divide the payment into 2 academic years and pay 4,250 Canadian dollars at the beginning of each academic year. This amount can be paid in maximum 4 installments every August.
•    12. 2nd grade students must pay CAD 8,500 when the Dual Degree Summer School Program begins. This amount can be paid in maximum 4 installments on the date the program starts.
•    This fee will be deposited into the school's Canadian Dollar account. Students who do not pay the fee on time and do not attend the exams will be excluded from this program.


GEN College offers AP and SAT Preparation courses for GEN College high school students who are considering continuing their university education abroad, so that they can be accepted to the best universities in the world and benefit from scholarship opportunities.  AP and SAT courses are taught by teachers graduated from the world's best universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Oxford and MIT, after school on weekdays and on the form of online synchronous lessons It's happening. PRE-AP and PRE-SAT courses are given to 9th grade students, provided that their English Language Level is B1.As of the 2nd semester of the 9th grade, students, They start the SAT preparation program and determine and attend the AP courses required by the target country, university and department. At the beginning of this process, within the scope of GEN College GENAbroad Overseas Education Programs and Consultancy, the student's Goal Analysis is carried out and overseas education planning is made together with the family. 






College Board

College Board is a US-based organization that operates to prepare millions of students around the world for higher education through programs such as AP and SAT and to help students transition to higher education. More than 6,000 educational institutions (high schools, universities, and other educational institutions) are members of the College Board worldwide.







WHAT IS AP (Advanced Placement)? 

HEvery year, millions of students from all over the world become strong candidates for the world's best universities and scholarship institutions.To become eligible, he/she takes Advanced Placement courses and takes exams.

Advanced Placement, prepared by the College Board, is recognized by colleges and universities in more than 70 countries, and students who score high in the exams administered within the scope of the AP program can apply for universities and scholarships in countries where a high school diploma is not sufficient for university entrance.

Students who are successful in AP exams gain a competitive advantage in international university admissions.

AP success provides students with acceptance and scholarship opportunities from universities in America, England and the Netherlands.








What is SAT?

SAT exam, which is accepted in more than 85 countries around the world, is administered 7 times a year. In addition to the majority of universities in the USA and Canada, the SAT exam is accepted by many universities in Europe, Asia and Australia, and is a requirement for students who want to apply to the most prestigious universities and win academic scholarships.

The courses in the programs are taught in English. In this way, students not only improve academically but also improve their English language skills. The SAT is a multiple-choice test that measures students' math and reading skills.

Universities in many countries, especially in America, accept SAT results as criteria for evaluating applications. SAT is an admission test for students who want to receive education and scholarships at universities in America and European countries.




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Abroad from America to Canada, from Europe to China Don't Miss Education and Career Opportunities! 

• Overseas High School Exchange Programs
• Post-High School Graduation Programs (12+1)
• University Programs and Scholarship Opportunities


The consultancy firm, which is our academic solution partner in education abroad, provides education and career coaching to GEN College students during high school, university undergraduate and postgraduate periods with Academic Overseas Education Consultancy.​

In our school, informative seminars are organized for our students and parents, and we offer personalized consultancy services to our students who want to be abroad at any stage of their education life.


During the International Consultancy, we meet with the student and his/her family to listen to their wishes and needs, and perform a Target Potential Analysis of the student; The right program, the right country, the right time are matched. In line with the decision, after the school application, acceptance and placement processes are completed, consultancy services continue with representatives in Turkey and the relevant country throughout the student's education life. It is an admission exam for students.




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